Age of a patient can attempt to a finding of a possible cause of
the problems, f.e. vertebrogenic problems are usual at the age over 40. Adhesive
capsulitis and degenerative changes in the area of the rotator cuff occur at
patients over 40. Instability of the
glenohumeral articulation is found at young population round 20-30. An impigement syndrome has two peaks of an
occurrence – the first at women round 35-45, then at women and men around 65
– 75.
Working with extremely heavy objects or chronic monotonous load,
especially connected with vehement movements, often become a cause of myofascial syndromes, impigement syndrome or inflammations of tendons
with eventual consequences in the form of ruptures. These problems can extinct
with a change of the working stereotype. At the origin of tendinitis from
overloading1 an unusual fitful load, which the patient does not often in
any possible connection with the origin of problems because it often makes
progress 2 or 3 days after working overloading, can play its role.
1including recreational sports, household jobs or
“relaxation” in the garden