Examination of Movements in the Glenohumeral Articulation and its Meaning for the Differential Diagnostics

If we examine the extension of movements of the shoulder girdle, we have to measure the extension during the examination of both passive and active movement. If we simultaneously watch the pain and strength of the movement during the examination, we can preliminarily find out probable etiology of these problems with the help of these parameters.

Possibilities during the Examination of the Extension of the Active and Passive Movement and Strength of the Isometric Contraction:

a present restriction of an extension of an active and passive movement in the glenohumeral articulation

a restriction of an  extension of an active movement, and a normal extension of a passive movement in the glenohumeral articulation

a restriction of an active movement, and a weakness of an  isometric contraction and a normal extension of a passive movement


We meet only rarely a finding of the restricted active movement and the normal passive movement in the case of painful affections. In the total most of the cases we meet the restriction of the extension of both active and passive movement7. 



pains evoked by an active and passive movement in the glenohumeral articulation

If a pain at active and passive movements originates, pathology is connected to the shoulder joint, and surrounding articular structures as an articular capsule, bursa and long head of the biceps.


pains evoked by an active movement and a movement against the resistance with an indolent passive movement in the glenohumeral articulation

If we find pains during the active movement and isometric constriction of the muscle and passive movement, then most frequently it deals with a benign affection of the tendinous-muscular component of the shoulder girdle, mainly in a frame of myofascial syndromes.

7restriction of the extension of the active and passive movement is identical even if the passive movement is during an examination connected with a small soresness, it is usually with a bigger extension.