Ambulatory Examination of the Strength of Individual Muscles by the Method of Isometric Contraction

The examination of the function of most muscles is made at the sitting patient

  1. We  roughly compare the strength on the both sides of the shoulder respectively, and we find out a smaller difference of the strength of the isometric contraction at one-side processes.


  2. We search for the eventual soresness of this examination which also specifies the affected muscular group.

Examination of the Muscular Function of Individual Muscles

m. deltoideus

Picture of the examination of the isometric contraction of m. deltoideus, a patient makes the abduction from 90 degrees against resistance at the same time with both arms, a direction of patientīs  pressure is shown by blue arrows


examination of the function of m.deltoideus 


m. supraspinatus

Picture of the examination of the isometric contraction of m. supraspinatus, a patient makes the abduction with arms at the body against resistance at the same time with both arms, a direction of patient's  pressure is shown by blue arrows

examination of the function  m. supraspinatus

m. infraspinatus

Picture of the examination of the isometric contraction of m. infraspimatus, a patient makes the outer rotation with arms at the body against resistance at the same time with both arms, a direction of patient's  pressure is shown by red arrows

examination of the function  m. infraspinatus


m. subscapularis

Picture of the examination of the isometric contraction of m. subscapularis, a patient makes the inner rotation with arms at the body against resistance at the same time with both arms, a direction of patient's  pressure is shown by red arrows

examination of the function m. subscapularis

Meaning of the Examination of Muscles of the Rotator Cuff

Even if the examination of muscles controlling the glenohumeral articulation deals only with a small part of muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is necessary to say that muscles forming the rotator cuff are very frequent originators of problems of a muscular origin in the area of the shoulder joint. Simultaneously most of neurological deficits manifest on these muscles.