Physical Examination at Ruptures of the Rotator Cuff

A patient after the luxation of the left shoulder joint in December 1999, made reposition, and the patientīs limb is in a sling for 3 years. He comes to the rehabilitative department with a recommendation from surgical  outpatient department to exercise with the shoulder???!!!


Complex Movements

elevation of the shoulder

ventral  view

videoclip of the elevation of the shoulder, ventral view


dorsal view

videoclip of the elevation of the shoulder, dorsal  view

notice the synkinesis of the scapula on the affected side, with this movement the patient compensates the deficit of the elevation caused by the rupture of the rotator cuff

Isolated Movements

outer rotation

videoclip of the outer rotation - pathological side (outer rotation is only till 35 degrees)

videoclip of the outer rotation - healthy side


inner rotation


videoclip of the inner rotation - pathological side

videoclip of the inner rotation - healthy side, notice the restriction of the inner rotation of the glenohumeral articulation of the left arm



videoclip of the abduction - pathological side, the abduction is possible only till 50 degrees


videoclip of the abduction - normal side, the abduction is possible till 100 degrees


videoclip of the flexion - pathological side, the flexion is possible only till 60 degrees

videoclip of the flexion - healthy side, the elevation is possible till 110 degrees


Examination of the Isometric Contraction

examination of the isometric abduction - m. supraspinatus

videoclip of the isometric contraction of m. supraspinatus, an arrow shows a place with the weakened abduction

videosequence of drop out

videosequence of drop out, an arrow shows an arm with a symptom of drop out. Notice two phases of a fall. In the first phase there is a spontaneous fall which is finished when a function of m. supraspinatus is taken over by other muscles of the rotator cuff and in the area of the glenohumeral articulation. But a pain prevents these muscles to involve in, and therefore another fall of the limb occurs.