Haemarthros of the Glenohumeral Articulation

Anamnestic data

A patient after a heart operation uses anticoagulant therapy – Varfarin 3 mg od. She suddenly notices a restriction of motility, feels a pressure in the shoulder. At first the shoulder is not painful. But problems are developing during next two days, and finally the patient feels strong pains which cause that she cannot sleep at night.


The final clinical and ultrasound picture at haemarthros at this patient are identical with findings at traumatic or rheumatoid synovitis. Without another specification of a liquid in the joint it was eliminated to determine final diagnosis on the basis of the ultrasound.

Ultrasound Finding

Hydrops in the glenohumeral articulation and subdeltoid bursitis.


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Ultrasound picture and scheme of haemarthros in the axillary section, notice a pathological distance of the articular capsule from the head of the humerus – 8,3 mm (norm 3,5 mm). The fact that  the pathological liquid is blood, we will prove after aspiration. Otherwise the picture is the same as at other synovitides of the glenohumeral articulation.


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Scheme and ultrasound picture of a comparison of the healthy side with the side with haemarthros in the glenohumeral articulation

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picture and scheme of an extent haematoma after an overdosage of anticoagulant therapy in the longitudinal section


Videoclip of extent haematoma after an overdosage of anticoagulant therapy in the longitudinal section


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picture and scheme of haemarthros with parabursitis along the long head of the biceps in the transversal section

Videoclip of haemarthros with parabursitis along the long head of the biceps in the transversal section