Infectious Arthritis

An affection started after the work in the garden where the patient did an excessive physical effort. The second day after work he has pains in the shoulder which annoy him. The pains are at rest, but they are getting worse during movements, but at night  he can sleep without any problems. Otherwise he feels healthy. He goes to the orthopaedic outpatient department where they administer him 10 mg of Kenalog into the shoulder joint. Next day after the application he has high temperature (39C), shivering and chill, and pains are intensified. His state is acutely getting worse, and he is taken to the internal department where he is seen by an orthopaedist again. Regarding to a normal finding in X-ray!!! The orthopaedist eliminates septic arthritis, and administers other 15 mg of Kenalog into the shoulder joint. But pains are still getting worse, and it is not possible to suppress them by Morphine. Then by chance the patient comes to an ultrasound examination with a diagnosis of a frozen shoulder. Objective finding:

The patient is lying, febrile, “near to the death“, he has to be brought to the examination on the bed.  


Extensions of Movements of the Shoulder

The patient has very so strong pains that he cannot actively abduct the shoulder over 20 degrees. At the examination we are able to abduct patient’s arm about to 40 degrees. We have to do it with a great care because of strong pains.


Ultrasound Finding of Septic Arthritis of the Glenohumeral Articulation

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picture and scheme of septic arthritis in the glenohumeral articulation – transversal section

videosequence of septic arthritis in the glenohumeral articulation – transversal section

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picture and scheme of septic arthritis in the glenohumeral articulation – axillary section in a comparison with the healthy side