Metastasis into the Soft Tissues

Casuistry of metastasis into m. deltoideus

A patient with generalized tumour of lungs, with a compression in mediastinum.  At problems resulting from the basic affection suddenly an origin of terrible pains of the shoulder and its oedema appear.

In the outpatient orthopaedic department a repeated artrocentesis of a supposed bursa is made without any success, and therefore the treatment is closed as an oedema of lymphatic etiology. In the surgical outpatient department it is closed as metastasis into the shoulder girdle.


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View on the patient


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Picture and scheme of the ultrasound examination of metastasis into m. deltoideus


videosequence of metastasis into m. deltoideus



Metastasis into m. deltoideus with a presence of foci of a free liquid (at aspiration blood is found).

Dissecting report: metastasis of  malocellulous carcinoma into m. deltoideus : Pathologic Anatomy Department, Masaryk Hospital, Usti nad Labem, MD. Kamila Rajkova