radicular Syndromes

These syndromes are formed after an abaissement  of a nervous root in the area of the intervertebral aperture. The most frequent causes are prolapses of disks, or a constriction of intervertebral apertures  by degenerative changes. In the clinical picture pains with a maximum in the area of C spine, which often fulgurate into the periphery of the limb, are dominant.

Objective Findings at radicular Syndromes

Objectively we find a restriction of motility of the cervical spine, and patient's pains are connected to the movements of the cervical spine. There are characteristic disorders of sensitiveness. A weakness of the strength of muscles of the shoulder girdle does not have to be great with regarding to the fact that the muscles have  a nervous supplies from more roots. In the area of the shoulder only three radicular syndromes occur:

radicular syndrome  C6

radicular syndrome C7

radicular syndrome C8


Picture of dermatomes on the upper limb