Calcification of the Rotator Cuff

A patient with an impact on the shoulder 3 months ago, she complains about pains in the shoulder, mainly at night. A restriction of motility and morning stiffness are present.


Ultrasound finding

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picture and scheme of calcification in the rotator cuff

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picture and scheme of tenovaginitis of the long head of the biceps at calcification of the rotator cuff



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MRI picture, where tenovaginitis of the long head of the biceps is obvious, see arrow


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picture MRI – left shoulder – obvious hydrops1, calcification in the area of posterior part of the head of the humerus2



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CT picture of calcification in the rotator cuff


We mention this casuistry to show again the present overestimating of the meaning of calcification of the rotator cuff (also overestimating of X-ray diagnostics) at many patients. After the aspiration of a rosy synovial liquid from the glenohumeral articulation, and from the sheath of the long head of the biceps, where we applied 8 mg of Depo Medrol, a distinctive improvement of problems occurred, and therefore we think that calcification did not have any meaning for the arising of problems.