Casuistry – Rupture of M. Biceps Brachii

A rupture of m. biceps brachii does not form in the connection with impigement syndrome, but also in the connection with trauma, or as a spontaneous rupture. It is necessary to stress that clinical problems at the rupture of the proximal area of the muscular substance of m. biceps brachii (of course without counting of a rupture of the muscle) will be similar to the problems of other affections also affecting its tendon, i.e.  the long head of the biceps (rheumatoid tenovaginitis, a dislocation of the long head of the biceps, or SLAP syndrome). The ultrasound examination is a method of choice.

Casuistry of the Extensive Intramuscular Rupture of M. Biceps Brachii  

This type of  rupture of musculus biceps brachii  is most common. 

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Picture and scheme  of the ultrasound  intramuscular rupture of m. biceps brachii

videosequence of the intramuscular rupture of m. biceps brachii


An extensive rupture of m. biceps of brachii.


Parcial ruptures of m. biceps brachii are not exceptional. Unfortunately their picture is not an example with a typical visible lump of the biceps, and a restriction of a function as at complete ruptures. Therefore parcial ruptures can be overlooked. The ultrasound of the rupture of m. biceps brachii is, of course, diagnosed easily. Unfortunately at the beginning we let us influence by a categorical patient's claim that he feels pain in the shoulder, and we concentrated only on the glenohumeral articulation and surrounding structures.