Glenohumeral arthritis commonly occurs at rheumatoid arthritis,
it also occurs at other rheumatoid diseases very often, for example
spondyloarthritis ankylosans, psoriatic arthropathy, Reiter syndrome, system scleroderma and SLE.
Traumatic synovitis are also very frequent. We cannot forget rare causes of
arthritides: f. e. infectious, inclusive of tubercular arthritis, synovitis at
an illness from deposition of crystals etc. An independent chapter is formed by
a group of undifferentiated monoarthritides of the glenohumeral
articulation, which have been wrongly diagnosed till now, and mostly have
ended with a diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis
or frozen shoulder. We have to lay an emphasis on that the same symptoms as
inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis of the glenohumeral articulation also any
other diseases accompanied by hydrops in the articular cavity, also primary
non-inflammatory diseases. A primary inflammatory reaction of articular
synovitis is not necessary for calling up of these symptoms,
but an initial presence of a liquid and mechanic distension of the articular
capsule of any etiology.