Types of the Movement during the Examination of the Motility


Active movement

A patient makes the movement himself/herself. This movement is necessary for a finding out of a normal function of muscles, tendons and a joint.

If the movement is not possible, then it can be the question of pathology of these structures.

Passive movement

A doctor makes the movement with a patient's limb. During this examination he rather finds out normal functions of the joint while the movement has no any influence of the function of muscles, and also their innervation.  

Isometric contraction

A patient makes the movement against a resistance, and a change of a length of a muscle in the joint does not occur. During this examination we rather find out a normal function of muscles and nerves, and the joint does not participate in the movement.


Sequence of the Examination of Movements

We begin to examine  the extension of passive movements because after the passive movement the patient is able to imitate a required action himself/herself, and so we also examine the active movement without  any excessive explaining. The isometric movement (isometric contraction) is examined as the last one.

Meaning of the Examination of Movements

On the basis of a different

extension of the movement

soresness during the examination

strength of the isometric contraction

we are able to differ some pathological states, see following chapters examinations of movement in the glenohumeral articulation and its meaning for the differential diagnostics.