Adjacent Ultrasound Symptoms of Glenohumeral Arthritis

It is necessary to draw one’s attention to a possible presence of synovitis in the area of the shoulder joint, also in the case of the ultrasound finding of tenovaginitis of the long head of the biceps. Causes of a present appearance of glenohumeral synovitis and tenovaginitis of the long head of biceps are :


Crossing of the tendon within the articular capsule

It can secondarily induct pathological processes in the tendon by a direct contact or a simple communication of a sheath into the articular capsule, when a liquid from the area of the glenohumeral articulation penetrates into the sheath of the long head of biceps.1

Sheath has the same structure as articular synovitis

Processes can proceed in the articular capsule and in the tendon at the same time.

1In this case we can also find exsudative bursitis, very frequently in the area of the long head of biceps