Symptoms of Myofascial Syndrome of M. Supraspinatus

Spontaneous Pain

The basic problem for the patient is the pain which is not so strong, and which gets worse at the movements of the shoulder. At rest the pain has a blunt character. A pressure on the trigger points localized in this muscle, and evoking deep pains in the area of the shoulder, and supraclavicularly. The pain is most felt into the middle area of m. deltoideus.


Examination of the Patient with Myofascial Syndrome of M. Supraspinatus

  1. A examination of an extension of the active and passive movement : the extension of active and passive movements is restricted due to broken co-ordination of the muscularity sharing of movements of the shoulder girdle because in consequence of not right synergism an impigement syndrome originates, with worsening of combined movements as combing and cleaning the teeth. At the examination of the extension of an elevation in flexion and also in abduction we can find its small deficit and painful arc.

  2. Pains during the examination of the movement against resistance. Patients subjectively feel the painful abduction of the limb against resistance (see muscular test for m. supraspinatus).

  3. A presence of the trigger point at palpation.


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picture of zones of a transmitted pain at myofascial syndrome of m. supraspinatus on the anterior and posterior side of the arm (green cross shows trigger points in the muscle, red spots show zones of the transmitted pain). According to Janet G. Travell and G. Simons