Diagnostics of the Rupture of the Rotator Cuff 

  1.  arthrography ( it shows the complete ruptures)

  2. MRI

  3.  ultrasound examination

  4. arthroscopy

From these methods MRI and ultrasound examinations are the most accessible and least burdening. And in our opinion, the ultrasound examination should be used as an entrance diagnostic method.


Clinical symptoms of the rupture of the rotator cuff

an intensive pain at rest
a restriction of an active and a passive extension of the movement
a reinforcement of the pain at the abduction
a weakness of the abduction, or rather its impossibility
a local soresness in the area of the rupture at palpation
(drop out) a clinical symptom of the complete rupture



(drop out) is a clinical symptom of  a complete rupture of the rotator cuff when we make passively the elevation of the shoulder in the abduction to the angle 120 degrees, then we let the patient's arm without any support, and it spontaneously falls down because a function of m. supraspinatus is missing14.

14 mind similar symptoms of peripheral paresis n. axillaris