Sonographic Examination of the Shoulder Joint

This examination belongs to the young techniques developed mostly during 80´s. At present it has a significant meaning for the examination of the shoulder joint.

Review of Sonographically Distinguished Structures

surfaces of osseous structures

1.      head of the humerus, tuberculum majus et minus

2.      acromion

3.      clavicle

4.      sulcus bicipitalis

5.      processus coracoideus

6.      scapula


soft tissues

1.   tendon of the long head of the biceps

2.      rotator cuff – sometimes also its differentiation into individual muscles

3.      bursae

4.      m. deltoideus

5.      acromioclavicular articulation

6.      articular capsule

7.   labrum glenoidale (posterior)

Evaluation of  Efficiency of the Ultrasound Examination

This method gives the best results at the manifestation of a liquid, so it is possible to find its presence in the joint, bursa or along tendons. We evaluate the ultrasound as an invaluable basic examining method for a diagnosis of exudative bursitis, tenovaginitis of the long head of the biceps, synovitis of the glenohumeral articulation and the liquid in soft tissues. The ultrasound is also suitable for diagnostics of ruptures of the muscle going through superficial fascia. This method is exact during a determining of bigger calcifications and their localization. But a carefulness is necessary at judging of changes of the rotator cuff. Degenerative changes and ruptures can be manifested by a similar ultrasound picture. If there is a suspicion of these states, it is advantageous to think of a combination with MRI or arthroscopy.